Archive Beans

Gallery: Balcony Veggies 2015

I keep finding galleries to post… here are the Balcony Veggies of 2015, from the first little seedlings to the finished produce – there was a lot last year and there are more than a few photos in the album I actually never got around to post!  Click on the preview photo above or the link below to go to the gallery, but you can also find a G+ version over on my Google+ Profile or the Flowers, Veg & Fruit Gallery Collection (which I’ve renamed to include the contents of this gallery too!)


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Balcony Veggies 2015 #111

Early Autumn harvest.

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Balcony Veggies 2015 #69

First batch of beans harvested :-).

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Balcony Veggies: Final Beans

A last batch of beans from about a month ago.

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Balcony Flowers #395

Something entirely different: white bean blossoms!

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Balcony Veggies: Bean Harvest

There are never so many, but they taste wonderful!

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Balcony Veggies: Bean Forest

All since harvested and eaten, but the beans are still growing new ones!

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