Archive January 2016
31.1.2016 von Guido
· Category: Blog, City Views, Mülheim

Another shot from the raised entrance of the sports hall which is usually closed off – this is to the Northwest and shows the new building complex with the supermarket in the ground floor I have often mentioned. This stretch of housess was actually only built in the early 2000s, before there was just a parking lot here. Originally there used to be an area full of army barracks here, which were thankfully used only for non-military purposes after 1945 until they were torn down in the late 1960s.
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31.1.2016 von Guido
· Category: Blog, Cactusflower, Flowers

Cactus flower closeup! Or how to get pollen on your lens :-).
31.1.2016 von Guido
· Category: Balcony Veggies, Beans, Chilis, Cucumbers, Gallery, Grapes, Pumpkins, Strawberries, Tomatoes, Zucchini

I keep finding galleries to post… here are the Balcony Veggies of 2015, from the first little seedlings to the finished produce – there was a lot last year and there are more than a few photos in the album I actually never got around to post! Click on the preview photo above or the link below to go to the gallery, but you can also find a G+ version over on my Google+ Profile or the Flowers, Veg & Fruit Gallery Collection (which I’ve renamed to include the contents of this gallery too!)
30.1.2016 von Guido
· Category: Blog, City Views, Mülheim

This is a completely new perspective I’ve never shown before – between Christmas and New Year’s eve I had the chance to go up to the raised entrance of the sports hall. It’s usually closed off to the public, but was temporarily open during the holidays, so I went up there and took a round of photos of the area. This is the view roughly to the North East – the somewhat ugly tower belongs to one of the two schools in this neighbourhood that was actually built in 1929, even though it looks more like it’s from the 1950s.
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30.1.2016 von Guido
· Category: Astronomy, Blog, Moon

Here’s another Moon attempt from two days ago before the horrible weather came!
30.1.2016 von Guido
· Category: Blog, Cactusflower, Flowers

I just had to attempt a portrait view again and this one turned out nice!
30.1.2016 von Guido
· Category: Autumn, Blog, Trees

I thought I was finished with the collected photos of last year, but here’s the Autumn Album of 2015 – there were lots of opportunities to catch bright Autumn colours on the trees this year! Click on the preview photo above or the link below to go to the gallery, but you can also find a G+ version over on my Google+ Profile or the Seasons Gallery Collection.
« AUTUMN 2015 »
30.1.2016 von Guido
· Category: Blog, City Views, Mülheim

Another view down, or actually to the North of Mülheim’s Kämpchenstrasse, this time with a bit more zoom. In the winter it looks a bit drab, but in the summer the trees make everything really green.
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29.1.2016 von Guido
· Category: Blog, Cactusflower, Flowers

The windswept look of a Schlumbergera Cactus blossom :-).
29.1.2016 von Guido
· Category: Backyard, Birdspotting, Blog

I can’t seem to catch those finches properly on camera – it’s too dark at the moment and they are just too fast. Here’s one of the blurry outtakes just for fun! I wonder if this is really a Chaffinch, though – from the colours it looks much more like a female Greenfinch, which would not surprise me in the least.