Cactus Flower 2016 #29
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This is more a shot of a documentary nature: it’s Mülheim’s RWE Sports Hall when it was still named Rhein-Ruhr-Sporthalle shortly after it was built in 2005. This is actually a sort of relevant photo, because next week from Tuesday to Sunday the German Badminton Championships (‘Yonex Open’ I think they’re officialy called) are being played there, bringing a lot of people from all over the world to our little city. Hope everyone is going to find the sports hall, because it’s not exactly near the railway station!
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The early Hyacinth blossoms are still there, even enjoying the sun sometimes! There are several other spring flowers planted, but those are the only ones which have already come out.
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Last one of this series in monochrome, I think we need some colour urgently now and the next photos like this will be filed under Spring to get the next season started as soon as possible!
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An old photo from 2005 of the houses at the intersection of Mülheim’s Kämpchenstrasse and Paul-Essers-Strasse. This shot actually does not make much sense in black and white, because you can’t see the red colour they were back then – so check out the colour version below. Today the houses are painted in a very light colour scheme, but I actually liked the red better even though it had faded quite a bit.
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Two more photos including this one and then I think I’m going to wrap up this Winter series, because on Tuesday it’s March 1st and then we can at least pretent it’s spring! This was actually shot down at the riverfront, which means some more photos are coming from there soon too.
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