Archive Planespotting

Return of the Blimp – Zeppelin Back in Town 3

More Zeppelin NT from last weekend and there’s also a video up on Youtube!

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Return of the Blimp – Zeppelin Back in Town 2

Of course I managed to get some less hazy photos of the Zeppelin NT yesterday!

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Return of the Blimp – Zeppelin Back in Town I

Almost one year ago the Zeppelin NT came to Mülheim for some test flights, now it’s back for good taking over from Luftschiff Theo: starting today it will be flying around the Ruhrgebiet, stationed at our local airport Essen/Mülheim!

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Planespotting 2023 #1: Condor Stripes

Condor has some new airplane liveries – candy stripes, even in different colours!
This Boeing 757 has the red “Passion” paintjob.

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Return of the Blimp – New Zeppelin Edition 5

The last photo so far of the Zeppelin NT visiting our Essen/Mülheim airport last weekend. We will get our own Zeppelin NT sometime this fall or next year, but the trial run seems to have been successful and the next flights are already bookable for Spring 2024.

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Return of the Blimp – New Zeppelin Edition 4

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Return of the Blimp – New Zeppelin Edition 3

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Return of the Blimp – New Zeppelin Edition 2

A proper photo of the Zeppelin NT flying over Mülheim and Essen this weekend – apparently it’s not the one that will remain permanently here, but just a test run and our “own” airship will arrive this Autumn and fly regularly next year!

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Return of the Blimp – New Zeppelin Edition

Two years after the last flight of our local blimp Luftschiff Theo, which now resides on ground at our local airport, a new blimp showed up in the skies today! It’s a Zeppelin NT that is now stationed at the Essen/Mülheim airport and will fly regular sightseeing trips in place of its predecessor.

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Planespotting 2022 #5: The Big Bird III

One last look at Emirates Airways’ Airbus A380, this was really a lucky shot.

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