Archive January 2014
31.1.2014 von Guido
· Category: Blog, City Views, Mülheim

Very strange sculptures over a house entrance – I’m not really sure what these are supposed to represent! The shield-like plaque under the house number is the coat of arms of our state North-Rhine-Westphalia. It says Denkmal on top, meaning that this house is protected as a historical building, like many houses around here including the one we live in ourselves are.
31.1.2014 von Guido
· Category: Blog, HDR, Skywatching

One more of yesterday’s sunset, a little differently processed.
31.1.2014 von Guido
· Category: Birdspotting, Blog

I’ll call this a painting instead of a photo because some heavy filtering left it with a distinct glossy look.
It’s not something I would normally post, but somehow I like it as it is :-).
30.1.2014 von Guido
· Category: Architecture, Blog, City Views, Mülheim

A double entrance on a nearby house. It’s one of the older, more classic buildings.
30.1.2014 von Guido
· Category: Blog, Skywatching

This sky needed some HDR colour tweaking again…
30.1.2014 von Guido
· Category: Backyard, Panoramen, Trees

I haven’t done one of these since early autumn, so here’s one from two days ago.
No snow, of course, but at least some nice sunshine. Doesn’t look much like winter, I know…
30.1.2014 von Guido
· Category: Birdspotting

Miss Blackbird surveying her kingdom – and no doubt plotting nesting opportunities!
29.1.2014 von Guido
· Category: Blog, City Views, Mülheim

I mostly use archive photos for the City Views series, but I shot this one yesterday as a followup to the first photo from last summer of this house. It’s not often that you get a completely clear view from across the street without any parking cars in front of the houses!
29.1.2014 von Guido
· Category: Flowers

Even in winter, all the defenses are on maximum alert!
29.1.2014 von Guido
· Category: Birdspotting, Blog

It’s getting a little colder around here and even our local wood pigeons are fluffing up!