Archive June 2013
3.6.2013 von Guido
· Category: Blog, Skywatching
Another cloud shot from yesterday. I just want to let everyone know that we are not affected by the terrible floods in southeast Germany. We are in the northeast in the Rhein-Ruhr area and we actually have quite nice, but still somewhat colder than usual weather. We live in a city by the river, but we are very fortunate that we live basically up a hill far away from the water.
2.6.2013 von Guido
· Category: Blog, Skywatching
A calming look at the sky from this afternoon. And the first posting from the relocated blog – I haven’t had time to change the header yet, but all addresses should now redirect to the new nifty, cool and shorter URL :-). Now all that remains is to give the blog a makeover… sometime :-).
2.6.2013 von Guido
· Category: Blog, Planespotting
I’m not actually going anywhere, I’m just going to move this whole blog to its own subdomain after this post. Nothing should change apart from the fact that the blog will be located at instead of It’s a copy of the original blog in which I’m going to import the last postings from today and then I’m locking the old blog down and switch to the new one. If all goes according to plan, all old links will still work because the archive blog will still be online, with only the main page redirecting to the new blog. Fingers crossed that it will work like I intended – today’s last photo post will be from the new location after the switch!
2.6.2013 von Guido
· Category: Blog, Bugspotting
More of the not quite so little jumping spider I encountered on the balcony last week, here an aerial view showing off its beautiful markings and, apparently, its eyes on the back of the head! :-)
2.6.2013 von Guido
· Category: Blog, Flowers, Greenery, Spring
I knew there was at least one more daisy in the Springflowers Collection… :-)
2.6.2013 von Guido
· Category: Birdspotting, Blog
Not my usual quality, but you can see two little birds sitting in the nest now – and I bet there’s at least one more in there! It’s still difficult to see them, but I managed to take at least two halfway decent shots today.
2.6.2013 von Guido
· Category: Birdspotting, Blog
Actually not a mystery anymore – at first we thought this bird hopping around the lawn in front of our balconies was a woodpecker, but after some research it turns out that this is a White Wagtail / Bachstelze! But what is it doing here? We don’t have any water near here and the next pond or stream is relatively far away – strange! But I like it, our yard here seems to become a real bird sanctuary this year :-).
1.6.2013 von Guido
· Category: Catspotting
Something completely different for #Caturday, made out of a portrait from two years ago.
I think she has that 1940s Hollywood movie star look going! :-)
1.6.2013 von Guido
· Category: Blog, Flowers, Greenery, Spring
I don’t know what these yellow Daisy-size little flowers are called in English,
but some dictionaries come up with Buttercup for Butterblume.
1.6.2013 von Guido
· Category: Birdspotting, Blog
I snuck up to the nest from the ground while mum and dad were out foraging and took a quick snapshot. There are at least two, if not three little pink blackbird babies in there! Both parents are now continuously busy foraging for food. Stay tuned, I think there may be more photos coming :-).