Archive 15. September 2016

Moon #148

No Moon from September 11, there were clouds in the way – so this one is from the 12th!

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City Views #617: Embankment 11

This is a very unusual perspective you were not able to see before the path on the former railway embankment opened. The double office buildings on the sides of the passage to the railway station had only been built in the early 1990s and this gangway between them isn’t even in use today because the separate halves are not even used by the same company anymore. Through the gap in the buildings you can see part of the shopping center and two of the highrises.
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Balcony Flowers 2016 #236

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Balcony Flowers 2016 #235

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Moon #147

I had the opportunity to take some more Moon shots with the new camera in the last couple of days, this one is from the 10th and looks very crater-y! Taken with a Canon Powershot SX30, stacked from about 20 single exposures in Registax and only a little bit fine-tuned in PaintShop.

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