Tune that Thing!
A bit of musical shenanigans for #MusicMonday and maybe also #MacroMonday :-).
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A bit of musical shenanigans for #MusicMonday and maybe also #MacroMonday :-).
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Now all I have to do is tell my roadie to change the strings…
Wait, I haven’t got a roadie! I guess I’ll have to do it myself then :-).
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This is just to prove that I occasionally take photos of something else than flowers.
Have some music instead!
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Yes, my guitar has lots of little scratches and nicks, but the important thing is that it sounds good! :-)
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One last shot of the insides of my old Ibach piano. I’m not sure if the hammers were exchanged for new ones when we had the piano tuned in about 1990, but I remember that the whole mechanic was removed and taken to the workshop for refurbishment. The work done was quite extensive, but it made the instrument fit for the next century! Remember, a piano is not just for Christmas, but for life :-).
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Another closer look at the inner workings of my old Ibach piano. Yesterday I found out that this Oberdämpfer / Overdampener style of mechanic is also called Birdcage Action in England – and you can see exactly why in this photo: the steel rods of the dampeners literally create a cage over the hammers.
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