Archive Music

Piano Two

An inside view of my old Ibach piano, built in 1906. This is an older mechanic called Oberdämpfer or Overdamper because the dampeners are located above the hammers. Sometimes this kind of mechanic, which was not used anymore after ca. 1920, is said to be inferior than those in modern pianos, but the only difference for me is that my Ibach has a lot more sustain than other pianos even without using the pedal.

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Piano One

I’m fortunate to be the owner and inheritor of a 1906 Ibach upright piano – a friend over on Google+ inspired me to dig out and reprocess some old images from 2007 I took of this wonderful old instrument. Monochrome looked better with these old images, some more from the interior are coming in the next days!

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Shake, Rattle & Roll

A throwaway image for a photographic Music Monday. This is neither very sharp or in good quality, but while trying to get some decent shots of my e-guitar, this happened and I loved the strange multiplying effect. And yes, it says Cheri on the headstock – it’s a South Korean copy of a Fender Stratocaster, but a good one. The rumours are that the company that made them originally called them Chevy but got into hot trademark water with a certain American car manufacturer, so they had to settle for Cheri or Chery. These guitars were quite popular in Europe in the early 1990s, mine is from 1992 and I still play it regularly :-).

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That D-ang String!

Seriously, why is it that only the D string always breaks on my concert guitar?

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Vintage Stuff

Noch keine 20 Jahre alt, aber trotzdem schon vergilbt… klingt aber immer noch super :-).

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