Archive November 2013
24.11.2013 von Guido
· Category: City Views, Mülheim
A look in the other direction from Mülheim’s Leineweberstrasse to the Kaiserplatz, showing how busy this intersection is. In the background you can see the pedestrian bridge crossing the Dickswall from where I had taken the City Views #75 photo from.
24.11.2013 von Guido
· Category: Blog, Skywatching
Don’t mind me, I’m just playing with clouds again :-).
24.11.2013 von Guido
· Category: Balcony, Blog, Greenery
This is actually from more than a month ago, but even now there are still some grapes left higher up where we can’t get at them. And for some reason, the birds haven’t been very hungry this fall… yet!
24.11.2013 von Guido
· Category: Balcony, Blog, Flowers, Greenery
Still a couple of rose photos to go, but this is the last of the red ones.
23.11.2013 von Guido
· Category: City Views, Mülheim
The right, or better north side of Mülheim’s Leineweberstrasse, which was made into a wide pedestrian area in the 1980s. Like on the parallel running Schloßstrasse, many shops have closed and the once busy shopping street is only a shadow of its former glory. Halfway down, there’s at least one reason to still go in this direction: Mülheim’s only dedicated tea shop in the inner city, which you can see in this photo if you look close enough.
23.11.2013 von Guido
· Category: Blog, Greenery, Trees
The streetside Rowan tree still has almost all the berries, but very few leaves left.
23.11.2013 von Guido
· Category: Cactusflower, Flowers, Greenery
Another one of the cactus blossom duet :-).
23.11.2013 von Guido
· Category: Balcony, Blog, Flowers, Greenery
Can’t escape the roses.
23.11.2013 von Guido
· Category: City Views, Mülheim
A zoomed-in view of Mülheim’s Leineweberstrasse from the direction of the Kaiserplatz – from here, you can actually see all the way to the Berliner Platz, the building in the background is part of the big banking complex. At the left, you can see cars lining up at a streetlight (and a possible traffic jam), the line at the right next to the trees is actually a bicycle path. The trees form a green roof over the street, eliminating much of the concrete jungle look it had in its earlier days.
22.11.2013 von Guido
· Category: Bugspotting, Macro
Many Ladybugs were out and about during a warm spell at the end of October –
this one seems to be one of the 19-dot Asian Harmonia axyridis fellows.