Archive 18. November 2013

City Views #79: Kaiserplatz VIII

Eight photos of Mülheim’s Kaiserplatz are really enough, so this is the last one for now – until I find some older photos in the archives. With this one, I just want to show that even on a high-traffic crossing there are trees in this city! Again you can see the tunnel exit and the lower entrance of the Forum here – and in the far left corner is the Koffer-Ecke (literally Luggage Corner), one of the oldest surviving shops outside here in the inner city outside of the shopping mall.

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Shake, Rattle & Roll

A throwaway image for a photographic Music Monday. This is neither very sharp or in good quality, but while trying to get some decent shots of my e-guitar, this happened and I loved the strange multiplying effect. And yes, it says Cheri on the headstock – it’s a South Korean copy of a Fender Stratocaster, but a good one. The rumours are that the company that made them originally called them Chevy but got into hot trademark water with a certain American car manufacturer, so they had to settle for Cheri or Chery. These guitars were quite popular in Europe in the early 1990s, mine is from 1992 and I still play it regularly :-).

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Off the Spool

Going all minimalist and artsy for #MacroMonday over on Google+ :-).

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Balcony Flowers #175

One more yellow rose from the beginning of October after the somewhat sad sunflower photo.

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Balcony Flowers #174

All things must pass – the sunflower was blooming for almost three weeks.

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