Archive November 2013
16.11.2013 von Guido
· Category: Blog, City Views, Mülheim
Almost down on the corner on Mülheim’s Kaiserplatz – from here the traffic routes don’t look as complicated as from higher up, but even as a pedestrian you have to watch where you’re going. On the right is the west entrance of the shopping center called the Forum and you can already see the famous tunnel that was only dug in the mid-1980s. I’ll have to search for some photos of the building of the tunnel, but I’m sure there are some in our archives somewhere.
16.11.2013 von Guido
· Category: Birdspotting, Blog
Can’t get any closer than this – it’s slightly blurry, but I just had to try one 100% crop.
16.11.2013 von Guido
· Category: Autumn, Blog, HDR, Trees
Just with a sprinkle of red :-).
16.11.2013 von Guido
· Category: Balcony, Blog, Flowers, Greenery
The lone balcony sunflower, slightly aged at the end of September.
15.11.2013 von Guido
· Category: City Views, Mülheim
This is what you see when you walk down the left side of the Kaiserstrasse towards Mülheim’s Kaiserplatz – the churches are to the left, the shopping center is to the right and if you walk ahead and cross the street, you can either go up to the Schloßstraße or to the left into the Leineweberstrasse. The curious paint job on the tram is actually from the 2008 anniversary of 200 years of Mülheim, but they still haven’t removed it! Notice also the car parking on the left – it’s electric and connected to a charging station. There are only two of these stations in the inner city, but they are not used very often because the only electric cars driving around here seem to belong to the RWE, our local power company!
15.11.2013 von Guido
· Category: Birdspotting, Blog, Skywatching
As close as I can get with my camera – they’re definitively cranes!
15.11.2013 von Guido
· Category: Autumn, Blog, HDR, Trees
A golden-topped tree :-).
15.11.2013 von Guido
· Category: Balcony, Blog, Flowers, Greenery
More Mallows from the beginning of October.
14.11.2013 von Guido
· Category: Blog, City Views, Mülheim
Another view of Mülheim’s Kaiserplatz, this time from the pedestrian bridge spanning the end of the Dickswall. From here you can see the real traffic madness going on in this crossing – when you arrive by car from this direction, you can only go to the left up the Kaiserstrasse or, if you’re a delivery man or a taxi driver, you may proceed very cautiously into the pedestrian zone of the Leineweberstrasse further ahead. The message is clear: if you’re coming to our city, don’t even try to travel around by car, it’s way too confusing :-).
14.11.2013 von Guido
· Category: Birdspotting, Blog, Skywatching
There was a whole lot of conversation going on in the sky! Single file, everyone, SINGLE FILE! :-)