Archive March 2014
31.3.2014 von Guido
· Category: Blog, Planespotting

Yesterday I couldn’t catch it because it started in the wrong direction, but today the All Nippon Airways Boeing 787 Dreamliner came almost flying over our heads. The flight was a little late and it was already beginning to get dark, so this shot is a bit mushy, but it’s not bad for the first try. Now we know that the Tokyo flight goes north when starting from runway 05, this might be worth trying again.
31.3.2014 von Guido
· Category: Balcony, Blog, Flowers

A closeup of the tulip waving its… arms? :-)
31.3.2014 von Guido
· Category: Blog, Flowers, Spring

Something blue and almost shiny. Identification pending as usual :-).
30.3.2014 von Guido
· Category: Blog, City Views, Mülheim

This is one of the most recognizable buildings on Mülheim’s Kaiserplatz and one of the very few ones that have survived since the early 1900s. The distinct corner building with the ornamental tower has been a little renovated in the last few years, but the shop on the street level has had varying occupants – I think there is now a cafe in there, but it might not even be open anymore. It’s very difficult to get a proper photo of this corner because of all the trees and overhead wires from the tramway, but in winter and early spring it almost works.
30.3.2014 von Guido
· Category: Blog, Planespotting

This is actually not the plane I was hoping to photograph today – it’s an Airbus A340 on its way to the USA from Düsseldorf. The airport has been chucking planes over our heads all weekend, but just as the new ANA Boeing 787 Dreamliner was starting after its first arrival from Tokio, they switched the runway direction and we couldn’t see it. Well, ANA will now be flying the route daily and I expect I’ll catch the 787 sooner or later. If they can fire off a big A340 so low in our direction, I think the 787 should be no problem.
30.3.2014 von Guido
· Category: Balcony, Blog, Flowers, Spring

I couldn’t help taking a lot photos of tulip numero uno… it seemed to be waving at me! :-)
30.3.2014 von Guido
· Category: Blog, Flowers, Spring

Some yellow blossoms on a bush, but I have no idea what they are :-).
30.3.2014 von Guido
· Category: Blog, Flowers, Spring

A big daffodil from the top.
29.3.2014 von Guido
· Category: Blog, City Views, Mülheim

A little perspective play with the curious tower house in Mülheim’s Althofstrasse and the highrise buildings behind it. This corner was, of course, part of one of the recent panoramas, but when I walked down the street I saw the two buildings line up perfectly and I just had to take this shot.
29.3.2014 von Guido
· Category: Catspotting

I don’t care if you have a camera, I’ve got cat stuff to do, excuse me!