City Views #142: Schools #6

This is Mülheim’s Luisenschule, the school I went to for nine years. It’s only a part of the school complex, but it’s one of the larger schools of the city, with grades from 5 to 12 (back then when I went to school it was until 13) and about 1000-1200 pupils. The building looks older than it is, it was built between 1951 and 1956 and was originally a girls-only school, until it became co-educational in 1973. There was some major renovation in 2010, during which two external buildings, the infamous pavillons, were replaced by a huge new wing. Because it was a public-private partnership, the whole schoolyard was surrounded by a metal fence and you’re not allowed to enter it anymore if you are not a pupil or a teacher. I haven’t been up there since, this photo is from 2005 and it would probably not be possible to take it today. The big clock on the side of the building – another one is on the other side of it – has never worked as long as I went there to school and it didn’t work in 2005… I wonder if they fixed it during the renovation?

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