Archive 27. March 2014

City Views #166: Street Panorama VII

After looking down Mülheim’s Eduardstrasse, in this test panorama we’re looking up from the lower part. The houses on the left side actually belong to the block where we live in, on the right you can see the school and one of the older houses. It looks a bit barren here in the winter, but in the summer it’s actually very green with all the trees around.

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Blackwing the Pirate Pigeon

It’s not really a good photo, but I had to post this almost black and red-eyed pigeon that looks a little pirate-ish. And I swear that these two were just peacefully sitting there even if it doesn’t look like it!

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Balcony Flowers #16

Finally some more colours on the balcony!

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Springflowers #55

No, this is not the same photo as yesterday, I just accidentially put a similar one in the pipeline and didn’t notice until now. But what the heck, another one of these can’t hurt :-).

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City Views #165: Street Panorama VI

This is the upper part of Mülheim’s Eduardstrasse – well, we call it the upper part because the street runs a bit uphill, but actually this perspective is looking south to north. There are quite a few older houses here, but curiously there have never been any trees here save for the big one at the end of the street.

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