Cactus Flower 2014 #4
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A view of the old wall which runs along Mülheim’s east end of the Muhrenkamp. I showed this area before, but today I took a new photo with a wider angle showing three of the four highrises, the old house down at the Dickswall and more houses further along the street. There was some major tree felling beyond the wall recently, but fortunately the hazelnut and red chestnut are still there.
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I’m so seriously out of fresh images that this rather medicore shot of a great tit having an upside down lunch on the maple tree has to suffice for now. The great and bluetits are regular guests at our new bird feeder, but they’re so fast that I haven’t been able to catch them with the camera yet!
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A crazy building right on the Schloßstraße just about opposite of the old postoffice. I don’t claim to know much about architecture, but I think this design is spectacularly ugly. This strange re-decoration looks like it is from the 1960s, but it is relatively new and was only done sometime in the 1990s.
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Meanwhile, on the other, bigger cactus… it’s all beginning again!
I think they want to bloom all the year around :-).
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