Archive 22. March 2015

Balcony Flowers 2015 #6

The Daffodils would like some spring weather, please! I think they’re growing backwards.

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One Moon, One Planet

We had a wonderful view of the crescent Moon and Venus appearing together in the western sky this evening. The photo doesn’t really do it justice, but you can even see a bit of earthshine on the Moon.

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Springflowers 2015 #17

Little blue flowers and a daisy as a size comparison.

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Balcony Flowers #773

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City Views #395: Cologne 17

This is the tower of another church in Cologne’s old inner city, which is called Gross Sankt Martin. It’s much smaller than the nearby huge Cathedral and has a completely different history. As you can see on this image, it is heavily surrounded by newer houses that were built only comparatively recently.

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