Archive 5. May 2013

Mini-Zebra III

I hope I don’t frighten anyone too much with this image, but this zebra spider is really just about 4-5mm big and absolutely nothing to worry about. But I think it’s cute with its four eyes :-).

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Ladyblackbug III

The last photo of the black, four-spotted ladybug, shortly before taking flight :-).

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3D Tulip I

Today it wasn’t very windy on the balcony for a change and I had the opportunity to take some stereo pairs of the tulips. I only processed these as 3D crosseye because as anaglyphs the tulips would not look very good – I hope at least some people are able to view them. This one looks especially great!

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Margeriten II

I totally forgot that I still have some more of the Oxeye Daisies!

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Tulips VI

Still looks like Science-Fiction to me…

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Springflowers XXVIII

I posted the unopened flowers of this bush in the supermarket car park back on April 24th, and thanks to Google+ I now know that this is called a Flowering Currant a.k.a. Blutjohannisbeere. With greetings to +Mandy Allen, who, to my amazement, was able to immediately identify this flower!

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