Archive February 2014
28.2.2014 von Guido
· Category: Blog, Cactusflower

A double feature, shot with some artificial light and a long-time exposure of about four seconds.
28.2.2014 von Guido
· Category: Blog, Flowers, Spring

A little change of colour today :-).
27.2.2014 von Guido
· Category: Blog, City Views, Mülheim

Another photo of that big, ugly school building. Tt’s not really looking any better from the back, but it still makes an interesting photography subject. The black and white processing makes it look a lot grungier than it really is, though!
27.2.2014 von Guido
· Category: Cactusflower, Flowers

And we have liftoff, one of many to come!
27.2.2014 von Guido
· Category: Flowers, Spring

More crocuses coming through the sidewalk cracks :-).
26.2.2014 von Guido
· Category: Architecture, City Views, Mülheim

This building looks a little like something from a Terry Gilliam movie, but it’s just one of the two middle schools here in our neighbourhood. This is the Realschule Stadtmitte with 5th to 10th grade, built between 1925 and 1928. I’ve never been in there, but I walked by it every day when I went to my school, which was a little further away. There were rumours that the big tower was closed for years because it was structurally unsound, but a couple of years ago the whole building complex was extensively renovated and the tower now apparently houses a library. But it’s still one of the uglier buildings around here!
26.2.2014 von Guido
· Category: Birdspotting, Photography

One of our resident wood pigeons doing a little feather maintenance in the maple tree.
26.2.2014 von Guido
· Category: Blog, Cactusflower, Flowers

This blossom is certainly taking its time… but I’m not in a hurry :-).
26.2.2014 von Guido
· Category: Blog, Flowers, Spring

They’re even coming through the cracks in the pavement :-).
25.2.2014 von Guido
· Category: Blog, Cactusflower, Flowers

Almost forgot to post this one – the first of many grand openings will come tomorrow, I think :-).