Archive 28. April 2014
28.4.2014 von Guido
· Category: Birdspotting, Blog, River Views, Ruhr

One of the several pairs of Swans inhabiting our riverfronts.
28.4.2014 von Guido
· Category: Blog, Flowers, Spring

Another kind of Daffodil, this time for once not on our balconies :-).
28.4.2014 von Guido
· Category: Balcony, Blog, Flowers, Spring

It’s the return of the large Daffodil, although this is the next-to-last photo of it.
28.4.2014 von Guido
· Category: Blog, Flowers, Spring

That’s how far back the Springflower series still is – back in late March the Forsythias were still blooming!
28.4.2014 von Guido
· Category: Blog, Cactusflower, Flowers

Apparently the Easter Cactus hasn’t gotten the news that the holiday is over and still has a trio of blossoms which have been slowly opening over the course of the weekend.
28.4.2014 von Guido
· Category: Balcony, Blog, Flowers, Spring

One last Crocus from the beginning of April.