Archive 6. April 2014

River Views #3: On the other Side

The trees are blooming on the other side of the river – this is the MüGa (Mülheimer Gartenschau) park right next to the Stadthalle where the country garden show was held in 1992. It’s still nice there and somewhere in my archives are tons of great photos from that area, which will be coming later sometime in this series. But I have no idea why there’s a fence at the steps down to the water – I suspect it’s to keep the canada geese off the lawn which usually run around and feed there at this time of year. But I saw some wandering around anyway, they just flew up there instead :-).

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City Views #173: The Real City Hall II

Here’s another photo of Mülheim’s city hall, the seat of the local government. This is only one wing of a larger building complex in (what used to be) the heart of the city.

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The Quiet Robin IV

Remember this little Robin with the twigs in its beak from about three weeks ago? It turns out it was really building a nest – on our neighbour’s balcony! She accidentially found the nest today, there were already five eggs in it and we hope that it wasn’t disturbed it too much and the birds will return to it. We’ve seen the Robins hop around the balconies afterwards, so they will probably be fine – the nest is somewhat deep in a flowerpot and should be quite safe. That’s not the first time somebird has built a nest on the balconies, but we’ve never had Robins before, only Blackbirds. We’ll see how this turns out, but the photograpic opportunities are a bit limited and I didn’t get a photo of the eggs because we didn’t want to disturb them too much.

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Springflowers #67

These tiny blue blossoms are probably a Veronica variant like Speedwell again.

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Balcony Flowers #26

Another one of the big daffodils, this time with even more sunshine!

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