Archive 5. April 2014

River Views #2: Signs and Bridges

Looking right in direction of the old railway bridge. From this side it still looks great, but what’s behind me is a whole other story which I have to tell at another time. I have no idea about nautical navigation, so I can’t tell what this sign on the right means, but it probably has something to do with that new landing pier.

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City Views #172: The Real City Hall

Yesterday I started the River Views series with a photo of Mülheim’s city hall or Stadthalle, although it is not the seat of the city government but a concert and theatre hall. In this photo you can see Mülheim’s real City Hall, which we call Rathaus in German. I’ve shown this building complex with its distinct tower, one of the city’s best known landmarks, a couple of times before, but never from this perspective because I simply didn’t have any good photos from this point of view. The Rathaus was originally built between 1912 and 1915, heavily damaged during the second world war and rebuilt and expanded in the 1950s. Recently it was again extensively and expensively renovated. The square I’m standing on here is actually supposed to be a market place, but since the market has been moved to the pedestrian zone and is only happening on certain weekdays, this has been mainly turned into parking lot, which is a bit of a shame.

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Galileo was right

This is just to prove that I occasionally take photos of something else than flowers :-).

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Springflowers #66

A macro shot from one of yesterday’s mystery flowers. Looks big, but it’s actually quite tiny :-).

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Balcony Flowers #25

The big daffodil, this time with a little more sunshine.

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