Archive 23. December 2013

Season’s Greetings

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Newtonmas or Season’s Greetings of your choice! Here’s an updated and slightly retouched version of the tree as this year’s virtual holiday card. I’ve posted slightly longer holiday greetings over on the blog and I’ll keep posting a few photos and probably some collected galleries here over the next days, so there will be no gap here, only a little slowdown.

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City Views #100: Rathaus

For the final City Views photo of this year – but not the series, which is going to continue after the holidays – it’s a view of Mülheim’s city hall tower, or Rathausturm. I’m not sure if this photo can even be taken from this perspective anymore, because the building in the front has been torn down and replaced with a bigger one. This one was taken in April 2004, when I had already upgraded to the Canon Powershot A75.

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Cactus Flower#11

The Christmas cactus really has impeccable timing this year!

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